BMW Motorrad Navigator VI Touch Screen Calibration Instructions

Описание к видео BMW Motorrad Navigator VI Touch Screen Calibration Instructions

On this video will show you step by step on how you can calibrate the touch screen on this BMW Motorrad Navigator VI.
Switch off the Unit.
Place the finger on the screen top left and press and hold the power button till you see the word system displayed on the screen, when you see the word system release the power button but keep holding the finger on the screen till you see a white screen with a dot on it, press on the dot till device will say calibration complete.
Please note to be able to use this function the battery must be charge at least 20% and the unit must be disconnected from charging.
In case you touch screen is not working you can purchase the part from the link below.

In case calibration is not working you have a defective touch screen and need to be replace.
In case you need any other info fell free to contact us


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