10 minute Parliamentary Matter Shorthand Dictation 80 wpm: Advocates Bill + Universities Bill

Описание к видео 10 minute Parliamentary Matter Shorthand Dictation 80 wpm: Advocates Bill + Universities Bill

link to pdf of outlines:

#generaldictation80wpm #stenogeneralmatterdictation #shorthandspeed120wpm #90wpmdictation #parliamentaryspeechdictation #pitmanshorthanddictation80wpm #100wpmdictation #parliamentarydictation100wpm #generalmatterdictation #presidentspeechdictation120wpm #120wpmshorthanddictation
#120wpmenglishgeneraldictation #presidentspeechdictation100wpm

General dictation 80 wpm
Steno general matter dictation
Shorthand speed 120 wpm
90 wpm dictation
Parliamentary speech dictation
Pitman shorthand dictation 80 wpm
100 wpm dictation
Parliamentary dictation 100 wpm
General matter dictation
President speech dictation 120 wpm
120 wpm shorthand dictation
120 wpm English general dictation
President speech dictation 100 wpm


Информация по комментариям в разработке