How to Unstage a File in Git - Remove a File from the Staging Index with Restore

Описание к видео How to Unstage a File in Git - Remove a File from the Staging Index with Restore

To unstage a file in Git, you use the git reset command. Here's how you can do it:

Unstage a specific file
git reset filename

Unstage all files (equivalent to 'git reset')
git reset

If you want to unstage and also discard changes in the working directory

git reset --hard
Replace "filename" with the actual name of the file you want to unstage. If you want to unstage all files, you can use git reset without specifying a file.

Note that using git reset only affects the staging area and does not modify your working directory. If you also want to discard the changes in your working directory for a specific file, you can use git checkout:

Discard changes in the working directory for a specific file
git checkout -- filename

Be cautious when using the git reset --hard command, as it discards changes not only in the staging area but also in the working directory. This operation is irreversible, and any local modifications will be lost. Use it with care.

Some git tutorials suggest using git rm but I see that as a bad way to unstage a file in Git.

git rm is actually used for removing files from both the working directory and the staging area, not for unstaging files. If you want to unstage files (remove them from the staging area but keep them in the working directory), you should use git reset instead.

Deletion of Files:

The primary purpose of git rm is to remove files from both the working directory and the staging area. If you use it to unstage files, it will not only unstage them but also delete them from your working directory.
Irreversible Action:

If you accidentally use git rm on a file that you only intended to unstage, you may lose the file from your working directory, and Git will treat it as deleted. This action is not easily reversible, and you might need to restore the file from a backup or a previous commit.


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