We'll Fight for Uncle Sam - 為山姆大叔而戰

Описание к видео We'll Fight for Uncle Sam - 為山姆大叔而戰

I am a modern hero: me name is Paddy Kearney;
Not long ago, I landed from the bogs of sweet Killarney;
I used to cry out: SOAP FAT! because that was my trade, sir,
Till I ‘listed for a Soldier-boy with Corcoran’s brigade, sir.

For to fight for Uncle Sam;
He’ll lead us on to glory, O! He’ll lead us on to glory, O!
To save the Stripes and Stars.

Ora, once in regimentals, my mind it did bewilder.
I bid good-bye to Biddy dear, and all the darling childher;
Whoo! says I, the Irish Volunteer, the divil a one afraid is,
Because we’ve got the soldier bold, McClellan, for to lead us.

For to fight for Uncle Sam, &c.

We soon got into battle: we made a charge of bay’nets:
The Rebel blackguards soon gave way: they fell as thick as paynuts.
Och hone! the slaughter that we made, by-god, it was delighting!
For, the Irish lads in action are the divil’s boys for fighting.

They’ll fight for Uncle Sam, &c.

Och, sure, we never will give in, in any sort of manner,
Until the South comes back again, beneath the Starry-Banner;
And if John Bull should interfere, he’d suffer for it truly;
For, soon the Irish Volunteers would give him Ballyhooly.

Oh! they’ll fight for Uncle Sam, &c.

And! now, before I end my song, this free advice I’ll tender:
We soon will use the Rebels up and make them all surrender,
And, once again, the Stars and Stripes will to the breeze be swellin’,
If Uncle Abe will give us back our darling boy McClellan.

Oh! we’ll follow Little Mac, &c.

*This video has been uploaded only for the purpose of sharing music and history,
not for Politics Propagandas.


歌曲翻譯頻道(Translated song channel):   / Канал  

副頻道(2nd Channel):   / @2ndnotep  

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(All Polandballs are drawn by me
Don't reprint them without my permission pls
影片中的球球都我畫的 未經本人允許拜託請不要轉載)


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