Career of A Medical Representative | Medical Representative Training Institute | MR Jobs & Training

Описание к видео Career of A Medical Representative | Medical Representative Training Institute | MR Jobs & Training

Carreograph is an Educational Institute based at Kolkata, having its own campuses at Siliguri, Durgapur, Patna, Varanasi & proposed campus at Lucknow. Carreograph conducts regular Medical Representative Training Course for fresh graduates, up to 25 years, selected on the basis of aptitude and communication skills. Over a period of two months, they are groomed up so well that most of the students are picked by our Pharma clients.
If you have any question , feel free to contact Carreograph at this number
T: 91 33 2530-5487 / 5497 / 7710
M: 9836970475, 9836062931
Mail us at: [email protected]
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#InterviewQuestions #JobInterview #MRJOB #CAREER #JOBORIENTEDCOURSE #JobsAfterGraduation #GraduateJobs #KolkataJobs #GoodSalary


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