We Are His Son #4 - The Enemy of the Son

Описание к видео We Are His Son #4 - The Enemy of the Son

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On the board:
We Are His Son!
Pro 4:20-23
The Enemy of the son
A SON - as a BUILDER of the family name. Seed TEHT (see picture of the board)
Builder/intelligence - represent continuity as the seed continues the next generation
2 Cor 2:11 - Devices
(1) Mental perception, thought
(2) An evil purpose
(3) That which thinks, the mind, thoughts or purposes.
(4) Perception, that is, purpose, or (by impl.) the intelligent, disposition, itself, devices. To exercise the mind (observe), that is (fig.) To comprehend.
2 Cor 2:11, 3:14, 4:4
Phil 4:7
2 Cor 10:5

Adroitness - mns.:
The quality of being skillful & quick in thinking or movement

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