The Inaugural Ceremony Ft

Описание к видео The Inaugural Ceremony Ft

Ananda Bliss 2020 Youtuber's Mega Meet up is known to be the first mega meet-up of social media content creators in India. Ananda Bliss 2020 was a two-day conclave that was hosted by Content Creators Of Kerala (CCOK) which is the first registered community for Content Creators in India.

The function was held at Abad Whispering Palms Resort, Kumarakom, strictly following the guidelines of COVID-19 provided by the government. An awareness video of COVID-19 has been made by a panel appointed by CCOK, which is shown in this video. The program committee has been successful in conducting the event, following Social distancing and other covid protocols mentioned.

The program was held on the 12th and 13th of the month of December, 2020. The two-day ceremony started with a flag hoisting, which was done by Dr. Lekshmi Nair. The Welcome speech was done by Najeeb Rahman, on behalf of Content Creators of Kerala, subsequently followed by Mr. Robince. N.C, chairman and founder of Content Creators of Kerala. The lamp was lit by Dr. Bobby Chemmannur, Dr. Lekshmi Nair, and the members of CCOK. The speech delivered by Dr. Bobby Chemmannur motivated and entertained the audience to a great extent. He also mentioned the recent trolls he received on social media and its fun side.

Queries Solved:
Content Creators Of Kerala
CCOK family
CCOK Community
Ananda Bliss 2020
Ananda Bliss Inauguration
Ananda Bliss Inaugural Ceremony
Kerala's First registered social media creators community
India's First registered social media creators community
Youtubers Mega Meet-up
Youtuber Mega Meet
Abad Whispering Palms, Kumarakom
Abad Hotels
Abad Group
SEO techniques
Search Engine Optimization
Youtube SEO
Good Practices in Youtube
How to grow a youtube channel
Boby Chemmannur
Boby Group of Companies
Chemmannur International Group
Oxygen Resorts
Universal Peace Ambassador
Mother Teresa Award
Asia Book Of Records
Federation of Indian Blood donor Association
Boby Fans
The king of trolls
Malayalam Trolls
The last Emperor of the Media
The last Content of the world
Last solution for the success
Do follow until you achieve
Conquer the world with love
Dr. Lekshmi Nair
CCOK First Meetup
Celebrity Vloggers
Creators Conclave
Youtube Channel

#CCOK #ContentCreatorsOfKerala #AnandaBliss2020

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**About Us**

Content Creators of Kerala is a community of YouTube creators from Kerala. This channel will feature videos by a number of Malayalam YouTube creators who will explain the various steps in creating a channel to uploading, publishing, and promoting one's channel to reach the maximum audience. Stay connected with us!!!


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