Ships Departing Duluth in Response to Michipicoten’s Distress Call (6/8/24)

Описание к видео Ships Departing Duluth in Response to Michipicoten’s Distress Call (6/8/24)

International maritime laws state that any vessel in range of a distress call that is capable of providing aide is required to attempt to do so. The goal it to have as much support available as possible. Better to have too many resources than too few, equipment that might be needed to save lives could be present on one boat, but not another, therefore even if another vessel is closer and responding, they’re still required to respond unless told otherwise. Disclaimer: I’m not a legal expert so if anyone knows better, please correct me if I’m wrong on that and I’ll adjust the description accordingly.

On 6/8/24, the 697ft laker Michipicoten suffered a massive hull failure (initially reported as a collision), ripping a 13ft gash in the starboard hull. Taking on water faster than the ship could pump it out, she started listing up to 15 degrees threatening to capsize and sink the vessel. Even though several vessels were closer, ships departed Duluth in response to the incident. The Coast Guard, doing their duty, deployed the cutter Spar. Behind them was the 1000ft laker Presque Isle, which had been finishing refueling operations and preparing for a quick sail within the harbor over to the Superior ore dock to load. Instead they turned around and departed through the Canal and headed out onto the lake. Ultimately the Edwin H Gott arrived at the stricken vessel first and together with a Canadian Coast Guard vessel and a National Park boat from Isle Royale, brought her safely into Thunder Bay. The two ships that departed were ultimately called off when they were near the Two Harbors area, and Presque Isle ended up swapping cargo runs with Gott, loading in Two Harbors instead. Also in the harbor at that time was American Integrity, which was in the middle of loading coal and finished roughly 40 minutes later before departing as well.

In the meantime, me and my girlfriend were up on the balcony at Grandma’s Restaurant at the end of the bridge, eating an anniversary lunch there. We were making a point not to be on our phones for the occasion, so it was a surprise when the bridge lifted to its full height. At the time we had no idea what was going on in the lake, but ships randomly changing plans is not exactly an out of the ordinary occurrence, and the Spar always comes and goes without much notice so we didn’t think much of it. So we very much enjoyed the unusual and unexpected vantage point the balcony provided. Only later did we realize what was going on. Thankfully everyone is ok, although the future of one of the Great Lakes’ most popular vessels is highly uncertain. Hopefully things turn out for the best.

I hope everyone enjoys the unique perspective, regardless of the circumstances!


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