pericyclic reactions|electrocyclic reactions with lots of examples|conrotatory & disrotatory why⁉️

Описание к видео pericyclic reactions|electrocyclic reactions with lots of examples|conrotatory & disrotatory why⁉️

#pericyclicreaction #chemistrytactics #organicchemistry

In this video we will see how and why do orbitals rotate conrotatory or disrotatory through molecular orbital diagram.

Wait ✋️ that's not enough we will also see lots of examples related to electrocyclic reactions whether they are ring opening or ring closing.

Stay tuned for the next part of pericyclic reactions in which we will understand the cycloaddition reactions...😊😊

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Pericyclic reaction part-1 video link ⬇️⬇️

   • pericyclic reactions part1|Introducti...  


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