How Hard is: Interstellar |TIER 18|

Описание к видео How Hard is: Interstellar |TIER 18|

The footage of the last jump is not legit (obv) but I have done it off recording.

Interstellar is a tier 18 obby created by thelifeofasock. It is one of my most favorite obbies out there, even though it is carried by the difficulty spikes.

Jump difficulty rating system:
0.0: Unfailable.
1.0: Easy, Tower of Hell players can do this.
2.0: Average Obby Difficulty
3.0: Pretty Difficult, The Average Obbiest would struggle.
4.0: Very Tough. Above Average Difficulty
5.0: Really Difficult! The Average Obbiest probably can't do this.
6.0: Insanely Hard. Stuff like this are probably contained in Tier 15 Obbies
7.0: Ridiculous. Stuff like this will probably only be seen in the hardest obbies beaten.
8.0: Borderline Impossible. rng crap, frame perfect timings, etc
9.0: Humanly Impossible. Stuff that a human won't ever do.
10.0: Physically Impossible. Stuff that is theoretically possible. But not possible for a human to actually do.
11.0+: Impossible. Nothing can do jumps like these. TAS Abuse is required

Difficulty: Tier 18 / Unreal

Gameplay: 7/10

Design: 9/10

Time spent: 2 weeks

Enjoyment: 9/10

Game / Practice:
Song: Simon Viklund – Break the Rules
Top Jumps discord:   / discord  


Thank you to ILikeObbying for verifying the last jump (his channel):    / @azizbenrejeb5875  
Thank you to franzliszt for making the thumbnail. (his channel):    / @thefranzliszt5427  


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