PTC Licence [Vehicle-for-Hire] Test Questions & Answers

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If you are a driver for a Private Transportation Company you must be licensed to operate in the City of Toronto. New applicants for private transportation company driver licences need to successfully complete a third-party training program approved by the City and submit the certificate of completion, as a requirement of licence issuance. Drivers currently licensed will have to take this training program before renewing their licence. This is a requirement for (1) taxicab driver, owner, and operator or broker (2) limousine driver and owner (3) vehicle for hire driver for a private transportation company such as Uber and Lyft (4) Private Transportation Company.

This guide contains questions and answers from the Alertdriving Vehicle-for-Hire & Private Transportation Company (PTC) Test. There are a total of 35 question or 7 questions from each of the 5 sections of the City of Toronto mandated training. To become certified, you will need to pass each of the 5 sections with a minimum score of 70%. That means you need to answer at least 5 questions correctly in each of the 5 sections. You will have 1 hour to complete this test. You will be allowed to take the exam up to 5 times.

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