Hello! Thank you for watching the video, hope you will stick around for more videos with additional information on how to paint and more!
I'm aware I have some issues with the editing, I'm new to all this youtube content creation and decided to hit the ground running with what I have, so I'm working with a weak machine to edit my clips and here and there the software freezes and I have to redo the last part, some of the fixes I made did not save and I gave up on trying to fix everything, I may re-edit this clip later when I have a stronger system.
Alright, I'll stop whining now, on to the shopping list!
Here is the complete list of the things I presented in the video, it is not mandatory, but if you are new to the hobby, this will help you get going.
Basic equipment to get started:
○ VAL72299 (amazon affiliate link https://amzn.to/3kEnZlH)
○ What comes in this paint list:
72.001 Dead White
72.006 Sunblast Yellow
72.008 Orange Fire
72.010 Bloody Red
72.022 Ultramarine Blue
72.028 Dark Green
72.030 Goblig Green
72.034 Bonewhite
72.036 Bronze Fleshtone
72.040 Cobra Leather
72.043 Beasty Brown
72.049 Stonewall Grey
72.051 Black
72.052 Silver
72.054 Gunmental Metal
72.055 Polished Gold
Additional local stores to purchase the paints separately:
§ Hobbytech https://hobbytech.co.il/
§ פאר הרכבת http://www.modeltrains.co.il/
All GW Products can be bought at https://www.playandthink.co.il/ and
§ GW Agrax earthshade (Can be substituted with army painter Strong tone)
§ GW Nuln Oil (Can be substituted with army painter Dark tone)
§ GW Reikland flashshade (Can be substituted with army painter soft tone)
Amazon affiliate link for the army painter washes set https://amzn.to/3kEp6Sp
Go to your local hobby shop and get a size 1, size 0 and a flat brush.
If you want to get that little bit extra quality, here are you best options (not in any practicular order
Ebay brushset great for beginners https://www.ebay.com/itm/9pcs-Artist-...
Army painter beginner Brush set (not recommended as your first brush set, but much more quality and longevity, they are still not the premium sable brushes, but they will last you for a good while and will probably be usable even if their tip is not sharp after many uses) (Affiliate link https://amzn.to/2IJLNHo) (Ebay link (cheaper than amazon) https://www.ebay.com/itm/The-Army-Pai...)
Also, Hobbytech, Play&think, Dice club and Model train store hold different brushes at different price ranges, go take a look.
Spray primer
ספריי שחור מט של יעקובי
קצת יותר איכותי - ראסטאוליאום X2 שחור מט (זהירות איתו).
Spray sealer
ספריי לכה מט של יעקובי
קצת יותר איכותי - ראסטאוליאום X2 לכה מט (זהירות איתו).
Dry Pallet
Go to a hobby store MAX stock or any other hobby outlet, ask for a paint pallet, take one with the small bowls line up. Here is a Ebay link (https://www.ebay.com/itm/Artist-Paint...)
Materials for Wet Pallet
Lock&lock flat container
Disposable Kitchen towal
Baking paper
You can also use a "professional" wet pallet, but for right now, just learn to use this simple one, the principles are the same.
Miniature holder
The best one? Advil liqui-gels 200 pill box
BLU-TACK or any tacky- non-residue tack (buy at home-center or at a hobby shop)
You can also go for the "PRO" stuff later, but right now, there is really no need to.
Model we are going to use:
Pushfiit Space marine https://www.ebay.co.uk/p/15038983780
If you only going to paint board game minis, simply use any cutter to cut off the parts of the sprue, I recommend flat cutter as I show on the video.
You will also need a small blade to clean off thedftfff mini
If you want to assamble plastic models (GW models), here is what you need:
Plastic cement glue (Ravell, Tamia extra thin Etc) this is what I have https://www.ebay.com/itm/87-182-Tamiy...
Play&think and puzzelland have Ravell plastic glue, excellent product.
Small Hobby knife for mold line removal (Look for in hobby stores)
Super Glue (When all else fails) you don't need the expansive type, buy the cheapo..
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