Anatomy of the Skull on CT

Описание к видео Anatomy of the Skull on CT

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This video demonstrates the anatomy of the skull on CT. It continues with a live interactive anatomical quiz and then to a discussion on common pathological findings.

The Skull

The sutures

The coronal suture
The sagittal suture
The lambdoid suture
The squamous suture

The bones

The frontal bone
The parietal bone
The occipital bone
The occipital condyles
The sphenoid bone
The temporal bone
The zygomatic bone
The ethmoid bone
The maxillary bone
The vomer
The palatine bone
The lacrimal bone
The mandible

The sinuses

The frontal sinus
The sphenoidal sinus
The ethmoidal sinus
The maxillary sinus

The foramina

The cribriform plate
The optic canal
The superior orbital fissure
The foramen rotundum
The foramen ovale
The foramen spinosum
The carotid canal
The internal acoustic meatus/canal
The jugular foramen
The hypoglossal canal
The foramen magnum

The supraorbital foramen / notch
The infraorbital canal / foramen
The mandibular foramen / canal
The mental foramen

The checklist and quiz can be downloaded from the link below:

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DICOM Viewer is Horos from Horos Project:

CT was made available for use for teaching at Embodi3D:

This exact CT can be downloaded here:

#Skull #Foramen #Anatomy


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