Astronomy || Dedicated Edit || db

Описание к видео Astronomy || Dedicated Edit || db

Holding a grudge against you was not easy. Crying at nights when you probably didn’t care, my old friends tell me about you and that you’ve been having a good time. I’ve moved on and I dont wanna have to deal with hate in my heart. I know we have had our differences and I wonder if we continued our relationship what it would’ve been like. I’m sorry for everything I’ve done, it’s hard for me to let go what you did. Thank you for the amazing moments we have had because those are really lasting! The times we would be at the park and laugh, those times were amazing. I wish we could’ve been friends but we have different plans and visions that don’t lead us to the same path, just because we were in different worlds. I hope you’re doing well. You’re probably never gonna see this but I hope one day you remember me and we see each other again. Ive done stuff and have seen that it was very immature of myself. I’m sorry A and even though you don’t see this, I hope you know that I forgave you ❤️



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