That's a Wrap! Learn About Our First 2:2 Launch Lab Cohort!

Описание к видео That's a Wrap! Learn About Our First 2:2 Launch Lab Cohort!

Last week, our 2:2 Launch Lab mentorship program celebrated its completion! After 6 months, our first cohort successfully completed the course of study, and we got to celebrate everyone's wins and look at their before and afters. The program was led by mentors Jana Carlson, Amy Simon, and Cara Ray and we had five mentees (all Writers' Bloc members) join us this session.

While the mentees were all at different places in their writing journeys, they all experienced great gains and overcame serious challenges. You're all invited to this Gathering, where we'll recap the Lab and share what the mentees experienced and thought about it and where we're headed in the future.


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