Green Chilli Coconut Sambal | Fried Red Chilli Coconut Sambal |Recipes

Описание к видео Green Chilli Coconut Sambal | Fried Red Chilli Coconut Sambal |Recipes

Want to know how to make 2 different types of coconut sambal? Then check this out!

Welcome back to Thanu’s Cuisine!

In today’s video, we have two quick coconut sambal recipes for you: green chilli and fried red chilli sambal. Coconut sambals are very popular in the Sri Lankan Cuisine and pairs well with various dishes inclusive of string hoppers, dosa, puttu and rotti. Once the ingredients are ready, grinding them into a sambal is not so time-consuming. It’s great for times when you have a busy schedule or want a side dish which is quick and easy to make.

Don’t forget to let us know which of these two sambals is your personal favourite, we’d love to hear from you. If you haven’t already, don’t forget to LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE!

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