Eberspacher Night Heater My DIY Fix For Non Start-Up

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Eberspacher night heaters are great when they are working, my D2 12v 2.2kw diesel heater developed a non start-up fault no matter what I did the unit was completely dead.

Then by accident I found a solution, this might be of help to some people but it's only a work around and it will not fix all faults as there are many different ones.

This is ONLY for the D2 and D4 models the older models I believe you need to take to a service agent to have ECU reset after failed start-ups.
Exactly what the fault is I dunno, it could be a duff sensor, or a bug in the ECU and a replacement one of those is £230 which is more than I paid for the whole set-up.

I am not an Eber tech guy so ask me a tech question and you will get a non tech answer :) Good luck


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