a Hymn to The Sacred and The Profane——Quodlibet from Goldberg Variations, BWV 988 V.30, J.S. Bach

Описание к видео a Hymn to The Sacred and The Profane——Quodlibet from Goldberg Variations, BWV 988 V.30, J.S. Bach

Hi ! This is my piano recording of a Quodlibet and I would like to share it with you .

Quodlibet —— " a musical composition that combines several different melodies —— usually popular tunes —— in counterpoint , and often in a light-hearted , humorous manner . "(from Wikipedia)

The Quodlibet I played in this video is the 30th variation of Bach's Goldberg Variations . It contains several different melodies including two predominant German folk songs , and Bach combined them by using several different ways . Can you identify them from my playing ? ( Sheet music presented at 0:28 in this video )

The predominant folk songs sound very happy , and the lyrics are fascinating :
For so long I have not been with you,
Come closer, come closer, come closer.
Cabbage and turnips have driven me away;
If my mother had cooked meat,
I would have stayed longer.
They are hymns to the secular world . However , Bach elevated them as he always did to his material ; and to me , this Quodlibet has a nature more profound . This is a hymn to the Profane , and a hymn to the Sacred .

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