Pakistan - Top scientist speaks on nuclear testing

Описание к видео Pakistan - Top scientist speaks on nuclear testing

(31 May 1998) T/I: 11:13:17

Pakistan's top nuclear scientist said on Sunday (31/05) the country was capable of producing thermo-nuclear weapons and asserted that the six nuclear tests in response to India's blasts had guaranteed regional peace.


Exterior of scientist Dr Qadeer Khan's home;
Journalists preparing for presser;
Cutaway photographers;
Pan from journalists to Dr Qadeer Khan sitting, surrounded by journalists;
VS cutaways journalists;
SOT Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan in English: "I would say the design which we have is quite efficient, quite reliable, is quite accurate. What we have heard about the Indians is only three tests were done, to a target of 1000 kilometres, and they were not very accurate...I mean these are the newspaper reports. But our missile is quite accurate, quite reliable."
Cutaway journalists;
SOT Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan, in English: "The Indians carried out so many tests, without provocation they carried out five tests, they issued belligerent statements against Pakistan, threatened Pakistan's security. We had the capability of testing a nuclear device 13-14 years ago, we started enriching uranium in the seventies, in the early 80's we had highly enriched uranium. We could have tested the device at any moment. But we did not do it, we did not want to start an arms race";
Cutaway journalist;
SOT Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan, in English: "I have no doubt and no reservation that it is a destructive weapons system, but you see, if you know the people who know me very closely, I am one of the kindest persons in Pakistan";
WS end of press conference,
VS exterior house,
MS Dr Khan talking to journalists;


#Pakistan #scientist #nucleartesting
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