What is....? Part CAMO - "AltMoC - Alternative Means of Compliance" explained.

Описание к видео What is....? Part CAMO - "AltMoC - Alternative Means of Compliance" explained.

Part CAMO approval can now incorporate "AltMoC's".

Brett describes the relationship between the Implementing Regulation (IR), Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and the Guidance Material (GM).

Brett then introduces the difference of an 'AltMoC' by painting his office wall. Next he describes the requirements the organisation needs to consider to have their 'AltMoC' approved by the respective competent authority.

NOTE: AltMoC are not yet applicable to Annex II (Part 145) Maintenance Organisation regulation. AltMoC will be applicable when the regulation gets updated to incorporate a Safety Risk Management System (SRMS) in the near future.

#partcamo #easa #ukcaa #altmoc



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