HYDRA CRUSHES EVERY BASE! | Easiest TH16 Attack Strategy | 9K Subs GIVEAWAY | Clash of Clans

Описание к видео HYDRA CRUSHES EVERY BASE! | Easiest TH16 Attack Strategy | 9K Subs GIVEAWAY | Clash of Clans

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Army link: https://link.clashofclans.com/en?acti...
Base Link: https://link.clashofclans.com/en?acti...

Hero Equipment:
King: Spiky ball and earthquake boots
Queen: giant arrow and healer puppet
Warden: eternal tome and rage gem
RC: Rocket spear and seeking shield

0:00 Intro
1:42 Attack 1
4:40 Replay of legend attack
8:58 Attack 2
11:52 Attack 3
14:25 Outro

Giveaway details: 5 free gold passes
1. Be subscribed to the channel
2. Like the video
3. One comment on this video. Max entries is one.
It is open for 24 more hours and winners will be posted after tomorrow nights video in the community tab! If you put one comment yesterday you don't have to again!!
#giveaway #goldpassfree #goldpassgiveaway #freegoldpass

Shoutout Invicible LG (    / @invincible_lg   )
RC trick with Hydra. Crazy New RC trick in Clash of Clans. Crazy New TH 16 attack strategy. Royal Champion attack strategy. Best TH 16 attack strategy. Fireball attack strategy.
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Best Hydra attack th16. Best Air Attack in the Game. Th 16 easy attack strategy. TH 16 best hydra army. Best hydra army. cos new attack strategy. Best hydra attack th 16. Best Attack Strategy post balance changes. Best Strategy post update nerfs. Best Townhall 16 Attack Strategy. How to shoot giant arrow. Perfect day in legends. Best spam army. #clashofclans #coc #airattack #clashofclansattacks #clashofclansattackstrategy
Best TH 16 armies after druid nerf. Druid Nerf. Best Super witch army post druid nerfs. Best TH 16 Attack Strategies after the update. Best Air Attack in the Game. Best Attack Strategy post balance changes. Best Strategy post update nerfs. Best Townhall 16 Attack Strategy. How to shoot giant arrow. Top 3 attack strategies post druid nerf. Top strategies post update nerfs. Best spam army. Best Armies to use in clash of clans after druid nerf. #clashofclans #coc #airattack #clashofclansattacks #clashofclansattackstrategy #legendleagueattack #th16legendattack #hydra #supercell #update #superwitch #druid #fireball #mobilegaming #mobilegame #mobilegamer


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