How to unlock speed in Ninebot G2 max, St-link Controller flashing ScooterHacking firmware - SHFW

Описание к видео How to unlock speed in Ninebot G2 max, St-link Controller flashing ScooterHacking firmware - SHFW

ScooterHacking ReFlasher:
Remember that you need ST-Link drivers:
0:00 Intro
1:34 Opening the deck, extracting the controller
4:00 Voiding the warranty moment
5:25 Controller connectors overview
7:25 Controller on the desk, what now? Flashing clip
9:00 Controller disassembly starts
10:41 ANNOUNCEMENT: Don't do that. Wait for better option.
11:38 Programming pins pinout
12:00 Photo with described pinout
12:02 Front 5v and GND location - not needed but for FYI...
12:29 Soldering job done
12:40 ScooterHacking ReFlasher
14:57 Connecting the battery for the first time after "surgery" and testing
15:50 ScooterHacking Utility app, Installing SHFW, unlocking to the full speed


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