Перри выступает против строительства нового дома для второй жены Мирзы Али

Описание к видео Перри выступает против строительства нового дома для второй жены Мирзы Али

Pari's opposition to building a new house for Mirza Ali's second wife could be rooted in several factors. Firstly, Pari may have a close relationship with Mahan and empathize with his feelings of upset and discomfort about the new construction. She may feel a sense of protectiveness towards Mahan and prioritize his emotional well-being over the desires of Mirza Ali's second wife. Additionally, Pari's objection could be based on concerns about the family dynamics and the potential disruption the new house could cause within the household. She may also value tradition and sentimental attachments to the old house, leading her to resist change that could impact the family's harmony.



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