怎样在自家后院种果树:五个重要因素, 你也可以在后院采收新鲜水果

Описание к видео 怎样在自家后院种果树:五个重要因素, 你也可以在后院采收新鲜水果


#果树栽培 #果园 #苹果 #西梅 #无花果 #车厘子 #fruittree #backyardgardening #种植 #花园 #菜园 #果树

To build an orchard in the backyard, five factors should be considered: 1. The place needs to be open and sunny. 2. It is necessary to understand the fruit-bearing characteristics of fruit trees. It is best to select large seedlings that have begun to bear fruit in June to July. 3. It is necessary to understand the suitable seasons for transplanting to ensure the survival of transplanting. 4. It is necessary to consider the pollination characteristics of fruit trees, and configure pollination trees. 5. It is necessary to adopt a dwarfing method to cultivate a tree shape suitable for dense planting.


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