Why is ketchup suddenly in the spotlight and is it bad for you?

Описание к видео Why is ketchup suddenly in the spotlight and is it bad for you?

Why is ketchup suddenly in the spotlight and why is it bad for you?
Essentially for two possible reasons - amount of sugar and presence of preservatives.
The amount of sugar in a standard ~ 17 grams serving of ketchup is only about 5 grams. This is perfectly fine. Even as per WHO recommendations around 25 grams of sugar per day is fine.
Secondly, the most common preservative in ketchup is Sodium benzoate which is largely considered safe when consumed moderately (qty and frequency)
Always look at and refer to data for appropriate serving sizes and NOT 100 grams.
Make informed decisions and keep food simple.
Note: The video has a justification how in certain scenarios ketchup is healthy. It’s all about context.
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