Cephalic Disorders In Newborns | Congenital Brain Malformations Radiology

Описание к видео Cephalic Disorders In Newborns | Congenital Brain Malformations Radiology

This video is about some important types of "Cephalic disorders". These are congenital conditions that stem from damage to, or abnormal development of, the budding nervous system. Cephalic means "head" or "head end of the body". Cephalic disorders are not necessarily caused by a single factor, but may be influenced by hereditary or genetic conditions, nutritional deficiencies, or by environmental exposures during pregnancy, such as medication taken by the mother, maternal infection, or exposure to radiation. Most cephalic disorders are caused by a disturbance that occurs very early in the development of the fetal nervous system. In this video different types are briefly discussed along with the radiological images. General symptoms, treatment and prevention of these disorders are also described.

#anencephaly #microcephaly #holoprosencephaly #lissencephaly #megalencephaly #hydranencephaly #porencephaly #schizencephaly #hydrocephalus #colpocephaly


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