Emergency Mock Drill CODE RED at BIG Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Patna

Описание к видео Emergency Mock Drill CODE RED at BIG Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Patna

Emergency mock drill code Red at BIG Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Patna

A Full-Scale Emergency Mock Exercise for Code Red was organized in BIG Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Patna to examine the procedure for efficiency of emergency response during sudden Accidents, Trauma & Emergency cases.

How would you react in a Code Red emergency?⁣

We Prepare for the worst-case scenario emergency with our #MockDrill. With a series of alarms and warnings built into the drill, we hope that this could prepare members for critical events before the real thing.⁣

At #bigapollospectrahospital, we take the safety of our patients and staff seriously and in every six months, conduct a mock drill for Code Yellow (Disaster), Code Red (fire) & Code pink (infant abduction) towards enhancing the efficacy in emergency handling.

It would be a great exposure to our staff members, enhancing their technical skills and balancing their emotional intelligence on such situations.

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