University Vocabulary: Talk About University! University Vocabulary Words Every Student Must Know!

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University tuition may be super expensive, but post-secondary education is very important for your future. The university vocabulary in this English lesson is also very important for helping you succeed in your university life. Join me in today’s vocabulary lesson as I return to my alma mater, York University, and teach you useful university vocabulary words every student must know. In today’s English lesson you’re going to learn a lot of essential academic vocabulary words to help you with your university life.

The expressions from university in today’s English lesson are used daily in university life. Learning this academic vocabulary for university will help you to improve your English skills, make friends at university, and excel in your English studies. Let’s explore the campus at York University and study English. In this lesson you will learn the following university vocabulary words:

Alma mater, Post-secondary education, Undergrad, Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Major, Minor, Campus, Dorm (Dormitory), Commute, Professor, Lecture, Tutorial, Finances, Tuition, Bursary, Scholarship, Loan, OSAP, Semester, Term, Essay, Term paper, Syllabus, Pull an All-nighter

By the end of today’s English lesson you will have learned lots university vocabulary to help talk about university life and sound like a native English speaker. Thank you for watching, “University Vocabulary: Talk About University! University Vocabulary Words Every Student Must Know!” I hope the expressions for university life in this vocabulary lesson will be useful for you as you improve your English communication skills. Good luck with your English studies!

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