Buddy Red Bow - Wica Nagi Makoce Ekta Oicimani Wan (1983) Oglala Lakota

Описание к видео Buddy Red Bow - Wica Nagi Makoce Ekta Oicimani Wan (1983) Oglala Lakota

1. Arrival
2. Journey To The Spirit World
3. Where’s Ben Black Elk Today
4. My Friend, The Buffalo
5. Run, Indian, Run
6. Introduction
7. Wounded Knee
8. Indian Love Song
9. Thunder Bird
10. Departure

Buddy, philáuŋyayapi yelo.

Háu mitákuyepi, odówaŋ kiŋ dená mitháwa šni do.
These recordings are not mine. They belong to the individuals on the records and to the families of those who have journeyed on. If any artist or family requests that the music be taken down, or any other general questions, please feel free to contact me.

Follow @watheca.records on IG for more indigenous rock, country, and folk.


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