How to trade with villagers with Zero Cooldowns (tested 1.20.1 singleplayer) (JAVA)(VOID TRADING)

Описание к видео How to trade with villagers with Zero Cooldowns (tested 1.20.1 singleplayer) (JAVA)(VOID TRADING)

Alternatively you can the track go under ground so it is more visually appealing. just make sure its a tiny bit out but also you need to consider the pistons in an actual trade hall design for the redstone to fix this u can make the level go to the left or right under building.

A very simple void trading system that can be used in any dimension and is well suited to early game trading, wandering traders, single player games, and other special circumstances. This build is not compatible with many modified servers, such as PAPER and SPIGOT.
ianxofour said this so take it into consideration
his video here -
   • Minecraft Elegance: Voidless Void Tra...  


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