BDO | Succession Witch Combo/Freestyle Showcase

Описание к видео BDO | Succession Witch Combo/Freestyle Showcase

Succ Witch PvE & Combo Guide:    • BDO | Succession Witch PvE Combo & Fr...  

Awake Witch Combo Guide:    • BDO | Awakening Witch PvE Combo (Aug ...  
Awake Witch Class Guide:    • BDO | 2023 Awakening Witch PvE guide ...  
Elixir Rotation Guide:    • BDO | Elixir Rotation and Materials g...  
Dehkia Thornwood guide:    • BDO | Dehkia Thornwood Mechanic and M...  

All the addons, combos and crystal builds for the classes I play are now in my discord:   / discord  

Sometimes live doing things at   / loonystorm_  

Thanks for watching! Good luck :)

00:00 Skill Cooldown Slot INPUTS
00:07 Speed Spell and no CS buff showcase
01:18 BSR Showcase


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