China Seminar: Democracy Anywhere is a Threat to the Chinese Communist Party

Описание к видео China Seminar: Democracy Anywhere is a Threat to the Chinese Communist Party

Please note: Audio is missing between 26:51 - 27:35. We apologize for the inconvenience.

featuring Brig. Gen. David R. Stilwell, Former Assistant Secretary of State
Bureau of East Asia and Pacific Affairs

Speaker's summary:
People everywhere want a voice and a choice in how they’re governed, but Xi Jinping’s many volumes of The Governance of China says otherwise. While Americans suffer through another social-media fueled election disinformation season, CCP attacks on democratic processes are at a fever pitch. Assessment of PRC interference in the January 2024 Taiwan election gives a clear view of what we can expect as the US election in November approaches. Hint: Beijing has no favorite candidate—the CCP’s goal is to create massive internal friction in the world’s leading democracy, eroding confidence in the process, and creating weakness and division. A weak and divided America is unable to rally in opposition to even the most obvious threats to democracy like TikTok.

David R. Stilwell is the former Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs. Prior to his appointment as Assistant Secretary, David R. Stilwell served as the Director of the China Strategic Focus Group at US Indo-Pacific Command in Hawai‘i. He served in the Air Force for 35 years, retiring in 2015 as a Brigadier General then serving as the Asia advisor to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. He served multiple tours of duty in Japan and Korea as a linguist, fighter pilot, and Commander, and as the Defense Attaché at the US Embassy in China. He was an East-West Center grantee while studying for his Master’s Degree in Asian studies and Chinese language at the University of Hawai‘i. He was an Adjunct Senior Fellow at the Center from 2016 to 2019 and recently served on the East-West Center Board of Governors from 2021-2024.

The views expressed are those of the speaker and do not necessarily reflect East-West Center policies or positions.


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