UNESCO World Heritage Sites and Sacred Deer of Nara Beethoven Piano Sonata No 15 Pastorale Artur Sch

Описание к видео UNESCO World Heritage Sites and Sacred Deer of Nara Beethoven Piano Sonata No 15 Pastorale Artur Sch

UNESCO World Heritage Sites and Sacred Deer of Nara by Kari Gröhn karigrohncom Ludvig van Beethoven (1770-1827) Piano Sonata No 15 Pastorale Artur Schnabel (1882–1951) Kasuga Taisha Shrine 春日大社 The deer wandering within temple and shrine precincts in Nara are sacred messengers of the Kasuga Taisha Shrine’s deity who came to Nara riding on a white deer.
Tōdai-ji Temple 東大寺 was the world's largest wooden building until 1998. Nigatsu-dō Hall 二月堂 Tamukeyama Hachimangu Shrine 手向山八幡宮 Kōfuku-ji Temple 興福寺 Kōfuku-ji Five-storied Pagoda 興福寺塔 Nanen-do Hall 南円堂 Tōshōdai-ji Temple 唐招提寺 Yakushi-ji Temple 薬師寺 Hōryūji Temple´s pagoda 法隆寺 塔 is one of the oldest wooden buildings in the world .
When a nobleman of the 12th century took his daughter for her first visit to temples and shrines of Nara he wrote in his diary as follows: On our way many deer appeared in the morning darkness. This is a sign from the gods and a good omen. When one counters deer, he or she should get out of the carriage and bow to them.
Nara’s deer inspired Basho to create a haiku, when he came across a baby deer born on the very day of the Buddha's Birthday, 8 April.
kanbutsu no
hi ni umareau
kanoko kana 
   Buddha's birthday:
   on this day was born
   a little fawn


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