[Eng. subs]최고의 맛 갈비찜 (Korean-style braised short ribs)

Описание к видео [Eng. subs]최고의 맛 갈비찜 (Korean-style braised short ribs)

총 조리시간은 70분. 조리과정을 단순화하고 고기맛을 극대화하는 조리방법을 알려드려요. 제가 여태까지 먹어본 뼈있는 갈비찜 중에 가장 맛있었어요. The total cooking time is 70 mins. This is the recipe that streamlines cooking processes and maximizes the taste of beef ribs. Definitely, this is the best braised short-ribs 'with bones' I have tasted.

재료 ingredients
소갈비 beef short ribs 1.2kg
대파 green onion 1
마늘 garlic 8 cloves
양파 onion 1
배 pear 1/3
후추 pepper 1/2 tsp
갈비가 잠길 정도의 물 water to submerge ribs
간장 soy sauce 100ml
매실청 green plum syrup 2 Tbsp
설탕 sugar 2 Tbsp
미림 mirin 2 Tbsp
장식할 채소들 vegetables to garnish


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