週六陽光明媚的香港尖沙咀|Sony A6700|Sigma 18-50mm F2.8

Описание к видео 週六陽光明媚的香港尖沙咀|Sony A6700|Sigma 18-50mm F2.8

#hongkong #a6700 #sigma


在一個風和日麗的星期六,我踏上了從香港北到尖沙咀的公路旅行。帶著我的Sony A6700 相機和 Sigma 18-50mm F2.8 鏡頭,我一路上拍了一些令人驚嘆的照片。

On a bright and sunny Saturday, I embarked on a road trip from North Hong Kong to Tsim Sha Tsui. Armed with my Sony A6700 camera and Sigma 18-50mm F2.8 lens, I took some breathtaking shots along the way.

Enjoy your daily drive OnTheRoad.

Driving log with Mini Cooper S 2018 (F56) & GoPro 11 Black & Sony A6700 in China.

#mini #minicooper #minicoopers #f56
#a6700 #sigma #sony
#driving #shenzhen #ontheroad
#travel #roadtrip
#photography #streetphotography #travelphotography

Start 00:00
香港北區 00:01
海港城 00:42
尖沙咀 02:40
藝術館 03:30
誠品書店 05:01


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