10 Hidden Mechanics for Champions in League of Legends | LOL Pro Guides Pt.5

Описание к видео 10 Hidden Mechanics for Champions in League of Legends | LOL Pro Guides Pt.5

LOL Champions Hidden Mechanics, along with Pro guide secrets, tricks and useful information for champions in League of Legends.
We will show tips & tricks and hidden mechanics for lol champions (Trundle - Kayn - Illaoi - Camille - Yorick - Ekko - Elise - Jinx - Karthus - Lucian)
#leagueoflegends #lolguide #loltricks #lolcoaching #lolpros

This will be a series and this is Champions Mechanics Part 6:

Trundle Mechanics:
When playing Trundle, use a potion in conjunction with his W ability, which provides a 25% healing boost. Coupled with the Revitalize rune, which adds an extra 5% healing, this tactic gives you a significant advantage in the early laning phase.

When jungling with Kayn, you can smite and steal the drake while in his R form, before he comes out, And of course, this works with everything you can use Smite on.

Illaoi Mechanics:
When executing a Flash E with Illaoi, don’t worry about aiming at the enemy. The E ability will automatically aim at the enemy your cursor was on.

Many players don’t realize that Camille’s E ability reveals enemy locations, even if you don’t have a vision on them. This knowledge can help you decide where to jump.

If you hit an enemy champion with the edge of Yorick’s W ability, it will interrupt any charging ability like Shen’s R or Teleport. It also counts as a knock-up, enabling Yasuo to use his R ability on the enemy.

Ekko Mechanics:
Concealing Animation
You can conceal Ekko’s W animation by casting it in the middle of the animation of his E ability.

Elise Mechanics:
Elise’s spider form E ability will quickly jump on an enemy you’ve targeted with her Q ability in spider form. When executing the combo, don’t worry about hitting E after you stun the enemy. Instead, stun the enemy, move closer, then hit Q E, then Spider Form Q. With the Electrocute runes, this will deal massive damage to the enemy quickly.

With Jinx, you can gain multiple vision points if you hit the right place.

When playing Karthus, make sure you hit enemies with his E ability before using R or Q because it reduces magic penetration by 25%. This is especially significant in the late game with a full build.

Lucian Hidden Mechanics:
Try to hit an enemy with Lucian’s W ability before hitting them with his R ability to gain extra movement speed. This can be very useful whether in an attack or defense position.

Remember, the practice tool is your friend. Pro players use the practice tool more than you might think. Every new broken build comes from there. Unleash your imagination and try. You can create a unique broken build or strategy. They are not smarter than you. Trust yourself.

If you like the LOL hidden mechanics for the Champions series, stay tuned.


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