Ancient organ makes new sound

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It is a well-known fact that the Netherlands contains an enormous treasury of fine historical organs.

Thanks to its special historical conditions, the Netherlands is regarded as the organ garden of Europe.

Today organ-making is mainly considered a traditional handmade skill in the Netherlands.

Piet Raadgever is a craftsman who has worked his whole life in the field of organ building. He retired earlier this year.

Sadly for Piet, neither of his two sons wanted to continue the business.

"Because of the economic situation and secularization of the society that not so many people go to church any more, the organ building business declined. there's only half of the employees left."

According to the craftsman, the fact now is that less organ builders means there is more work to do. Sometimes people have to be on a waiting list for up to 5 years to get one made.


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