Redux in Functional Components | React Redux Tutorial for Beginners in Tamil

Описание к видео Redux in Functional Components | React Redux Tutorial for Beginners in Tamil

Welcome to this Redux in Functional Components tutorial! In this video, we’ll walk you through how to use Redux for state management in React functional components using the latest hooks and the powerful useDispatch and useSelector hooks from React-Redux.

Redux has become a standard way to manage global state in React apps, and learning how to integrate it with functional components is essential for modern React development.

🔍 What You’ll Learn:

What is Redux and why it’s useful for state management
Setting up Redux in a React project with functional components
How to use useSelector to access the Redux store
Dispatching actions with useDispatch in functional components
How to manage state and dispatch actions using Redux hooks
Using Redux with asynchronous actions (e.g., using redux-thunk)
Benefits of using Redux with functional components vs. class components
Best practices for structuring Redux in a React app
💡 Who is this tutorial for? This tutorial is perfect for React developers who are working with functional components and want to integrate Redux for efficient state management. It’s ideal for developers transitioning from class components or beginners looking to learn Redux in a functional approach.

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