5 Easy arduino projects for beginners || by es tech knowledge

Описание к видео 5 Easy arduino projects for beginners || by es tech knowledge

Hi ,
This video is a series of arduino projects.

🌀 Watch this videos individually :-
1. Scrolling text -    • Text scrolling effect || Mirror probl...  
2. LED distance indicator -    • HC-SR04 LED distance indicator || by ...  
3. Control servo motor with potentiometer -    • How to control servo with potentiomet...  
4. Control LED with mobile -    • Control LED with mobile || by ES tech...  
5. Mobile control car -    • Mobile control car || arduino || by e...  

⚙️ Other suggested videos :-
1. IR security system -    • IR LED security system || IR LED proj...  
2. LED heart -    • WOW! Amazing heart LED chaser  
3. Reality of free energy -    • Reality of Free Energy || Medical Cir...  
4. 2N2222 amplifier -    • 2N2222 Transistor Amplifier || Audio ...  
5. Amazing LDR projects -    • top 3 ldr projects || by es tech know...  

#arduino #arduinoprojects



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