Артиллерия БМ-13 "Катюша", залп из ничего, когда-то наводила ужас на солдат США, Японии и Германии

Описание к видео Артиллерия БМ-13 "Катюша", залп из ничего, когда-то наводила ужас на солдат США, Японии и Германии

BM-13型火箭砲採用載重卡車為底盤,安裝8個導軌式發射架構成移動式火箭炮發射系統,可掛載16枚M-13型固體燃料火箭彈,戰鬥射程達8500米,最大行程385千米 。
BM-13型火箭炮於1941年開始裝備蘇聯軍隊,在整個二戰期間,總共裝備6800門。該炮在第二次世界大戰中作戰效果突出,以“喀秋莎”火箭炮之名而著稱 。
The BM-13 rocket launcher, nicknamed Katyusha, is a type of wheeled vehicle rocket launcher developed and equipped by the Soviet Union during World War II.
The BM-13 rocket launcher adopts a heavy truck as the chassis, and installs 8 rail-type launchers to form a mobile rocket launcher system. It can mount 16 M-13 solid-fuel rockets, with a combat range of 8,500 meters and a maximum range of 385 kilometers. .
The BM-13 rocket launcher began to be equipped with the Soviet army in 1941, and a total of 6,800 were equipped throughout World War II. The gun had outstanding combat effects in World War II and was famous for its "Katyusha" rocket launcher.


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