2 way’s women INSTANTLY LOSE RESPECT | The psychology of getting respect from men

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2 way’s women INSTANTLY LOSE RESPECT | The psychology of getting respect from men

Women always ask me about how to show interest without losing a guy’s respect and maintaining their dignity. Too often we are taught to mask our interest in people to save face. Women learn to play hard yo get to maintain respect instead of just requiring respect through sensible but firm boundaries. Pretending mot to like a guy or pretending to not be available does nothing if once a man gets you alone you are easy to bang and rule over physically. Women don’t lose respect by showing interest. They lose respect by allowing men to decide what happens physically and the pace things progress unilaterally. Your boundaries dictate your respect levels not your interest.

How to get respect from guys while showing interest
How to get guys to respect you.
How to let a guy know you like him while maintaining your dignity.


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