Hardspace Shipbreaker - Catastrophic chain reaction from opening a single door

Описание к видео Hardspace Shipbreaker - Catastrophic chain reaction from opening a single door

This game can be suuuuuuuch fucking BULLSHIT sometimes, especially so since the recent update.

And before anyone tells me that I shouldn't have opened the door leading to the decompressed room, or that I should've started the decompression sequence from the back:
1. Why is the ECU room alone decompressed?
2. at 4:31 though I didn't pay it too much attention, you can see that the atmospheric regular is broken. One way or another, I'd have to vent that room purely through explosive decompression, which was the cause of this entire chain reaction.

Doesn't matter if it was one door or a half dozen doors, explosive decompression caused this chain reaction, and, in this case, wasn't at all avoidable.

If I had to make a suggestion, I'd suggest a computer terminal that decompressed the entire damn ship, similar to how there used to be a terminal for dumping the fuel from the thrusters and pipelines.


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