Corrupt Heart killed without loosing ANY hp using Silent shiv deck on Slay the Spire - NO MODIFIERS!

Описание к видео Corrupt Heart killed without loosing ANY hp using Silent shiv deck on Slay the Spire - NO MODIFIERS!

This is how we (Daddy and Ruben aged 6) beat the Corrupt Heart on Slay The Spire with Silent without loosing a single HP. No regen potion or health potions. Lots of planning but essentially;
Tungsten rod is key to no taking 'beat of death' damage.
Use Wraith Form to gain intangibles
Use Well Laid Plans to retain Wraith Form and Piercing Wail for when you need them (I actually ended up not having to use both piecing wails, only one)
Alchemise upgraded early in the game along with potion belt allowed us to save up potions through the run, resulting in 2 Rituals and one strength potion to use at the start of battle. Could not have done it without these.
Mummified hand shone with well laid plans and other powers that kind of become free to use.
Also, retaining lots of cards enables you to do massive Storm of Steel damage, and the discard had synergy with tough bandages.
Bullet time is always good - corpse explosion less so for the Heart, but very useful in the previous battle and all the battles with multiple foes so you can smith at more rest stops rather than heal.
Ascension level 1 is 'easier' than zero, because you get to fight more elites and gain more relics

Hope this helps - we are proud of this achievement!


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