'My Teenage Girl' Final Episode Review, the exhilarating final debut members of CLASSy

Описание к видео 'My Teenage Girl' Final Episode Review, the exhilarating final debut members of CLASSy

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드디어 최종 데뷔 멤버가 결정된 방과후 설렘!
Finally, the final debut members were decided on 'My Teenage Girl'!

데뷔가 확정된 멤버들은 CLASSy 클래씨로 데뷔하게 된다고 하는데요.
The contestants whose debut has been decided will be debuting as CLASSy.

예상하지 못한 놀라운 결과가 나왔던 방과후 설렘 마지막 회!
The final episode of 'My Teenage Girl' showed a completely unexpected result!

왜 이런 결과가 나왔는지 함께 알아볼까요?
Why did this result come about? Let's find out!

#방과후설렘 #Teenagegirls #MBC

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