Best Selling Desktop Computers 1979 - 2021

Описание к видео Best Selling Desktop Computers 1979 - 2021

In this race we will look at the top selling desktop computers since 1979.
It only includes individual series, not full lines such as XPS, Pavillion, Presario, OptiPlex, etc.

Apple II

Originally, Apple was a computer brand for hobbyist, similar to Raspberry Pi. But they quickly became a mainstream computer company with the introduction of the Apple 2.

Commodore VIC-20
The VIC-20 from Commodore was highly successful, becoming the first computer to sell more than a million units.

Sinclair ZX81 (Sinclair 1000)
The Sinclair ZX81 was under-powered for its time with only 1KB of RAM and a 3.25 MHz processor, but its $99 price made it very popular .

Commodore 64 (Mini)
The Commodore 64 is touted as the most popular computer of all time and included a 1MHz CPU and of course, 64 KB of RAM.

IBM PC 5150
The first IBM PC came with a 4.77 MHz 16-bit Intel 8088 processor and 16KB of RAM. It was priced between $1500 and $3000.

NEC PC 9800
The NEC PC 9800 was Japan's answer to IBM's PC, it featured a 5 MHz Intel 8086 CPU, two display controllers and 128KB of RAM for about the same price. The 8086 CPU gave rise to the x86 architecture, which eventually became Intel's most successful line of processors.

Sinclair ZX Spectrum
The ZX Spectrum came with 16KB of RAM, and a 3.5 MHz CPU. It's power and low price of $166 allowed it to become a popular household PC.

Amiga 500
The Amiga 500 made the leap to a 32-bit CPU at 7MHz, 512KB of RAM, support for 4096 colors, and an internal 3.5-inch floppy drive. For only $700.

Apple iMac (Latest)

The iMac was the beginning of a new era for Apple, not only rescuing the company from a series of flops but also ushering in a new design and marketing strategy.

Mac Mini (Latest)
The Mac mini was the first mac to ship without a monitor or keyboard. Its focus was to attract PC users and living room usage.

Raspberry Pi (Latest)
Although it is mostly used for specific applications in science, robotics and engineering, The Raspberry Pi can also be used as a desktop computer. Making it the best selling desktop computer to date. It's popularity has to do with its tiny size and price under $40.

What other desktop computer should be in this list?

Source: Statista, Wikipedia, Google Book Search


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