Bolt Action kit bashing - veteran Fallschirmjager

Описание к видео Bolt Action kit bashing - veteran Fallschirmjager

The kit bashing bug for Bolt Action continues to bite and in this video I outline how I went about building a veteran Fallschirmjager section for my Bolt Action late war German project.

As with my other kit bashing videos, I have used various bits and pieces from across four plastic kits by Warlord Games - Fallschirmjager, Grenadier, Blitzkrieg and USMC.

I built this section as I wanted to have a unit of dedicated veterans that would stand out from the rest of the Fallschirmjager units in my force. This has been achieved by using a whole host of parts from the plastic sets outlined above to create a unique and personalised unit. In the video, I explain which specific parts I used to build the individual figures within the unit.

If you have any questions or comments, just pop them below and I will certainly respond to all comments and questions. If you enjoyed the video, please give it a like and consider subscribing to the channel for more gaming goodness!

Intro and outro - movie loop from Movie Tools
Clash of Gods - music by Quincas Moreira
Marianas - music by Quincas Moreira

Happy gaming and may your dice roll well!


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