香根草:香水的定香神器,你了解多少?Fixative Elegance: Unveiling the Allure of Vetiver in Perfumery

Описание к видео 香根草:香水的定香神器,你了解多少?Fixative Elegance: Unveiling the Allure of Vetiver in Perfumery

香根草(学名:Vetiveria zizanioides)作为香水的常见原料,具有烟熏感的土质木香,能延长香水留香。其香气甜蜜而深沉,常被用作基调(尾调、后调),并搭配花香、柑橘、木香等香调。主要的品种:波旁、海地、爪哇。香根草油经加工后可得柔和的香氛化合物,如:“岩蘭烯醇”(vetiverol)和“乙酰化岩兰油”(vetiveryl acetate)。其独特的香气暂无法完全被合成替代品替代。它广泛用于香水制作,如:香奈儿5号和娇兰香根草。Tom Ford的灰色香根草更是以其优雅精致的香调深受喜爱。 #调香师 #香氛 #香水 #香水紹介 #香根草 #汤姆福特 #香水推薦 #灰色香根草

Vetiver, extracted from the Vetiveria zizanoides plant, is a prized ingredient in perfumery, boasts earthy, woody, and smoky notes. Recognized for fixative properties, it enhances fragrance longevity. With a complex aroma, vetiver combines sweetness, depth, leathery, and earthy tones. Mainly harvested in Haiti, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka, vetiver blends well with floral, citrus, woody, and spicy scents. The two main types, Haitian and Javanese, offer unique characteristics. Despite attempts to replicate its scent synthetically, vetiver's distinct aroma and fixative qualities remain unmatched. Tom Ford Grey Vetiver exemplifies this, featuring a sophisticated blend of natural vetiver, citrus, spices, and woods, capturing a debonair and captivating masculinity.
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