Follow your Heart

Описание к видео Follow your Heart

I was pushed to the depths of despair. 💔

Only when we are pushed do we truly discover our truth. I had to be true to myself and be real learning to step into the flow of life.

God for me is the same place I take my photographs from, it is a deep stillness. It is always being connected to a synchronized Universe.

In school we were never taught that we have a mind and a heart. The only focus at school was on the mind. Nowhere do they say follow your heart.

Watch "And then there was just me" video, part one of my Capturing What People Don't Talk About series.

FREE 🎁 ‼️‼️ gift to you, this 26 minute video from my years of experience of learning from Nature.

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I will take you on a exploration of what it means to be human.

Love Marlene


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