Latent AI Dreams

Описание к видео Latent AI Dreams

Hey folks, it's been a while! This is some work that I finished over a year ago but never released. I've been dealing with some stuff in my personal life that really was getting in the way of my art. This is some of my best work so I'm not sure why I've been sitting on it! I have more content coming soon but this needs to see the light of day.

This is a serious trip. Some very intense music and visual combos could make some folks uncomfortable. I think it's also my most mature and complex piece so please do watch it, just be careful with how trippy you get beforehand. Tripping on this is only recommended for experienced psychonauts, but for those with the experience, I think it will be an amazing time.

Music made by me with Ableton.
Visuals made by me with Stable Diffusion 2.1 and Deforum.
The first half is "vanilla" SD, as in, the work was in the prompting and curation. The second half leverages custom styles I trained into SD using previous art of my own (the work was in the prompting and in the creation/curation of the original art used for training before curating the SD results).

As usual, please share with as many people as you think would like it! It's very tough to get eyes on my work these days with the amount of noise online, predatory and unfair algorithms, etc. Anything, even just showing one friend, means the world to me. Thank you for being here and thank you for watching!


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