Cup of Mead - Robin Hood drinking song (Official) - [Medieval/Irish/Scottish]

Описание к видео Cup of Mead - Robin Hood drinking song (Official) - [Medieval/Irish/Scottish]

Studio version of the song in the movie Robin Hood (2010)
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♫ Full lyrics ♫
I rose up in the morning and I felt a dire need,
To dream away the dreary day and down a cup of mead.
I felt the sting of honey bees, from last night's revelry,
I'm looking for the honey that'll cure my soul's disease...

I drank another cup or two, and sleep did close my eyes,
A nightmare of a desert dry and not a girl for miles,
I dreamt I saw a waterfall, a waterfall of mead,
I need another cup or six, to clear my memory...
So brother won't you roll another barrel to the bar?
And pour another cup or two so I can soak my heart !


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